The "t" Crosser

In my digital illustration I was given the assignment to research the discipline of technical illustration, including several artists and the tools they used. I then attempted to digitally recreate the aesthetic quality of the work that they created with traditional means. The practitioners that I was automatically drawn to were some of the early artists and architects of the modern art movements. A few that especially caught my attention were Francis Picabia (particularly his Dada period) as well as Walter Gropius and Laszlo Maholy-Nagy, both famous for their teaching and leadership at the Bauhaus. The primary tool that was used for technical drawing at this time was the ruling pen, used alongside rulers and compasses. A ruling pen held it ink in a slot between two metal jaws. A screw was then turned in order to adjust the width of the line created my the pen. With a ruling pen an artist was able to maintain a consistent line width while still having the ability to adjust the width for different applications. In my illustration, I applied the use of clean lines with consistent widths. I also used flat planes of color that mimic the "machine aesthetic" valued by these modernists.


Linda A. said...

Very cool. I love love love seeing your designs (art? drawings? I don't know the right word.) You really are talented.

Patrick Doss said...

Very interesting and unique illustration. I enjoy the flatness of the design and good use of space. My only nick pick would be that it feels as if the candle is floating in the air. Everything else has some cog or link to connect one thing to the other and it leads your eye down the path to the pencil. But the candle feels a little out of place in that it isn't attached to anything.

I enjoy the inserts of orange and it gives it a playful look. Very good.

Unknown said...

This illustration made me smile. It has great movement and is easy to understand.